RYA Booking Form - Shore Based

SCYC RYA Training Centre

Booking Form for Shore Based Courses

First Aid Course cost - £80.00

VHF Course cost - £90.00 plus £70 which is payable direct to the RYA for the exam.


To be completed by parent/guardian/responsible adult eg grandparent, if under 18.

Please note minimum age for VHF course is 16 years.




(Next of Kin)


1. In providing a service to you /your Junior, we undertake that we have the necessary expertise to do so. All of our instructors will have the necessary qualifications and competence to conduct the course.

2. We shall not be subject at any time to any directions from you/your Junior as to the manner in which we shall provide our services to you.

3. You/your Junior will at all times obey and carry out all lawful commands and instructions given by our instructor in the provision of service. 

4. You/your Junior should not cause any disturbance, nuisance or damage to any of our property or that of any third party.

5. We or our employees or agents or servants accept no liability for theft, loss or damage howsoever arising of your property whilst on or off any of our training crafts or in our premises.

6. You warrant that all representations made by you in the booking form and in any other manner are true and correct.


For Terms and Conditions of Booking click here.

Data Protection Notice: Please note details held on our database are for Club or RYA certification purpose only and will not be forwarded to third parties under any circumstances.


SCYC has a Child Protection Policy which conforms to RYA guidelines.

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