August Dinghy Coaching Entry Form 2024

SCYC Abersoch

August Dinghy Coaching

This years Summer Dinghy Coaching will be two weeks of informal but structured dinghy coaching in the mornings for beginners from 9:30am-12pm. The afternoons will be covering intermediate (more advanced technics) and will be from 1pm-3:30pm
Minimum age for participation is 8.
Relevant dates are as follows:

Monday 29th July - Friday 2nd August - Beginners coaching - am / Intermediate - pm
Friday 2nd August - RNLI Open - 14:30

Monday 5th August - Friday 9th August - Beginners coaching - am / Intermediates - pm
Friday 9th August - RNLI Open - 14:30

Please book for the appropriate sailing level for your child/ward.
Please note this year there is a charge of £10 per day per child which must be paid in advance via the office.

Member 1

Member 2

Member 3

Member 4

Member 1Member 2Member 3Member 4
1st Week AM 31/7-4/8
1st Week PM 31/7-4/8
2nd Week AM 7/8-11/8
2nd Week PM 7/8-11/8

What dinghy do you have access to for these sessions?

If none, please write none in first box below.