Sunday 18th to Friday 22rd August 2025
Please enter the name(s) and telephone number(s) - preferably a mobile number of at least one person (not sailing) who should be contacted in the event of a emergency.
If you are a visiting yacht and would like SCYC to arrange a temporary mooring for you, please select yes and you will then be prompted to enter your arrival and departure dates.
N.B. Temporary FOC moorings are only available for boats belonging to non-SCYC members.
Maximum duration of stay is 7 nights.
Requests must be submitted before 15th July 2024 & we will call you to confirm.
IRC - non-SCYC member - £200.00; SCYC member - £180.00; Daily Rate - £50.00.
White Sails - non-SCYC member - £160.00; SCYC member - £140.00; Daily Rate - £50.00.
Small Keelboats & Sports Boats - non-SCYC member - £65.00; SCYC member - £50.00; Daily Rate - £15.00.
I agree to be bound by the racing rules of sailing and all other rules that govern the event. In particular I have read paragraph 11 of the notice of race and RRS4 and confirm that I agree to their provisions and that my boat will conform to their requirements throughout the event.
I have read, understood and agree to abide by the SCYC's Health & Safety Policies and Procedures as summarised here.
South Caernarvonshire Yacht Club "The Club"
Your privacy is important to us. We handle any data we collect in line with current data protection legislation.
Our full Data Privacy Statement can be found on our website at www.scyc.co.uk.